Christine Wandolo

Role: Section Editor, Health
Email: Please use the contact form to contact Christine Wandolo.

BMW and Toyota to develop a fuel cell vehicle

MUNICH (awp international) - BMW and Toyota will jointly develop a fuel cell-powered vehicle by 2020. The two car...

Cardiovascular disease: Leading cause of death in Germany

Wiesbaden (dapd) - Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in Germany. According to reports by the...

Down but not out: Michaela's dance with fate

On a relatively cold October day in Munich, Sabine and Stephan Hausschild* met at the Oktoberfest against all odds. Both...

Heart attack preventable someday?

New studies suggest that certain microRNAs play a role in the development of arteriosclerosis. Inhibition of a specific...

Letters to TMT Health

Dear Editor, I am 42 and used to have very beautiful, smooth skin. Lately I have discovered that my skin is ageing...

Oktoberfest: Track your calories

Soon it will be time for the Oktoberfest, and many people will go to the Wies'n to eat, drink and party. Just how healthy...

The medicine in your kitchen cabinet: Ginger

  Listed as one of the most effective natural home remedies, ginger is packed with essential nutrients and rejuvenating...

Motorist rams into travel agency

Munich - Last Friday morning, a man in Ismaning started his car and passed out. After having visited the doctor in...

Explosion at gas station

Wolfratshausen - A 43-year-old car driver was seriously injured on Friday, in an explosion at a natural gas filling...

Surfing between the Munich airport runways

Munich - The Munich Airport Center (MAC) will be present again this year with their surfing facility at the Munich...

Bitter taste receptors for Stevia sweeteners discovered

Munich, TUM - Stevia is regarded as a healthy alternative to sugar. Yet there are drawbacks to the Stevia products...

Partying at the Graveyard

Munich - Girls in bikinis instead of mourners, clinking beer bottles instead of eternal rest - the Old North Cemetery is...

10 facts about ... The Human Heart

1. Every day, your heart beats about 100,000 times, sending 2,000 gallons (7,200 litres) of blood pumping through your...

Genetic variants influence migraine risk

LMU (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) researchers have for the first time identified four genes linked to the most...

HPV Testing is not Sufficient for Cancer Detection

Munich (dpa/tmn) Experts say HPV (Human Papillomavirus) testing, which is often offered at women's clinics as a self-pay...

Companies with the best services

You are new to Germany and are probably wondering what the best services are. Let's just say you have no idea where to...

BMW to invest more than 300 million EUR in the UK

Munich, dpa - BMW wants to expand its UK plants in the next three years with a further 250 million pounds (315 million...

Apple to pay $60 million

Guangzhou - In the dispute over the brand name iPad, the U.S. technology giant Apple Inc. is to pay 60 million U.S....

The medicine in your kitchen cabinet: Garlic

You are too sick to leave the house and are wondering what you can use to make you feel better without going to the...

A few forgotten things doesn't mean it's Alzheimer's

You just missed your doctor's appointment. Or, you forgot to make a monthly payment. You have no idea what day it is. You...

Antibiotics during pregnancy may lead to asthma in children

(Reuters) - According to a Danish study, children whose mothers took antibiotics while they were pregnant are slightly...

Allianz warns against D-Mark return

Munich - According to the insurer Allianz, a return of the D-Mark would cost Germany wealth and jobs. The result would be...

Apples too, have side effects

No side effects are generally known or expected to occur with apple fruit. However, apple seeds should not be eaten, as...

Symptoms of diabetes

If you are constantly hungry, experience increased thirst and urination and have blurred vision, this may not be a very...

Your hotel room may not be that clean

You are on holiday and are not quite comfortable about leaving your home and comfort zone... but then, you either have to...

Prostate cancer: Curcumin curbs metastases

Powdered turmeric has been used for centuries to treat osteoarthritis and other illnesses. Its active ingredient,...

Antibiotic resistance and health

The spread of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic microbes poses a growing threat to health. A new study shows how one...

New approach slows retinal degeneration

Lans Sommerfeld* suffers from retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a genetic disease that causes degeneration of photoreceptors in...

WHO urges doctors to watch for new SARS-like virus

LONDON (AP) -- Global health officials have alerted doctors to be on the lookout for a virus related to SARS (Severe Acute...

Light-activated reversal of anesthesia

In a new study, a light-sensitive moiety has been added to propofol, a commonly used anesthetic, allowing its narcotic...

10 interesting facts about the skin

1. The skin is considered the largest organ in the human body 2. The skin loses about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells...

10 interesting facts about Hypertension

1. Hypertension directly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke (brain attack) 2. Hypertension is particularly...

Old medicines pollute the environment

Improperly disposed of pharmaceuticals create a big hazard for the environment and eventually for people A local resident...

New marker could improve diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) is a challenge even for experienced neurologists. This autoimmune disease has many...

Meat is my vegetable

Some people are notoriously known for the phrase 'meat is my vegetable', or, in German, 'Fleisch ist mein Gemüse'. They...

Train station shut down by abandoned bag

There was a security scare at Munich's Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) on Saturday when a piece of abandoned luggage was...

Woman dies while washing windows

Munich - A 53 year old housewife fell 16 metres, while washing windows, and died. According to the police, the woman was...

Letters to TMT Health

Dear Editor, I am a 42 year old lady and used to have very beautiful, smooth skin. Of late I have discovered that my skin...

How tumor cells create their own pathways

In 90 percent of cancer deaths today, the actual cause of death is no longer the patient's original tumor but rather...

Multiple sclerosis: New marker could improve diagnosis

Diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) is a challenge even for experienced neurologists. This autoimmune disease has many...

Letters to TMT Health

Dear Editor, I am really depressed. My girlfriend of six years left me claiming that I did not seem ready to commit,...

Obesity rates mount

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), life expectancy in Germany is rising and the general health situation is...

Could the financial crisis be extending to Germany?

The financial crisis that has hit Europe has for a long time not quite affected Germany. However, major companies such as...

The medicine in your kitchen cabinet: Garlic

You are too sick to leave the house and are wondering what you can use to make you feel better without going to the...

Letters to TMT, health

Dear Editor, I am extremely worried about my 65 year old mother. She used to be quite energetic and alert, now she has...

Muslims in Germany

Berlin (dpa) - Germany is home to 3.8 to 4.3 million Muslims. 20 percent of them are members of religious associations or...

Companies with the best services

You are new to Germany and are probably wondering what the best services are. Let's just say you have no idea where to...

Detector of DNA damage: Structure of a repair factor revealed

There are various types of damage to DNA, and DNA strand breaks are one of them, involving a cut in one or both DNA...

Bavaria to strengthen spa and health resorts as modern health centres

Munich - A nationally unique, new funding program has been launched to improve the medical quality of Bavarian spa and...

Dioxin Scare in Germany - once again

Lower Saxony - Over 250,000 eggs were recalled (268,000 to be precise) after in-house testing discovered 'excessive...

Work can be harmful to your health

  "Next stop: Munich central station. Please exit the train on the right. Transit point for regional and national...

The single most important substance for healthy living

Drink water even when you are not thirsty. Being thirsty is the most obvious sign of dehydration, which is in turn the...

A few tips for malaria prevention when travelling in the tropics

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) approximately 40% of the world's population, a total of some 2,400...

How to avoid jetlag - naturally

Many people love travelling but hate the effects. The worst effects often occur when we have to spend a day or two...

Munich loses battle for the seat of the European Patent Court

Brussels - The new EU patent court gets its seat in Paris, while Munich and London have to settle for field offices. In...

Discharged from hospital- Request your letter

Berlin (dpa) - When patients are discharged from hospital, they can ask the clinic for the physician's letter. Normally,...

Why you should drink lots of water

Drink water even when you are not thirsty. Being thirsty is the most obvious sign of dehydration, which is in turn the...

Sugar makes you dazed

Earlier research has mainly been concerned with how fructose harms the body through its role in diabetes, obesity and...

Vaccination is the best protection, says Huber, as ticks become active again in spring

Tick-borne encephalitis or TBE is caused by a virus spread by bites from ticks which are infected with the virus. Second...